My first Blog!

To blog or not to blog, that is the question!

Almost 29 years of DSM came to an end in October 2019, a lifetime! In which I had fun, some frustration from time to time, fell in love and had to say goodbye to some, learned a great deal, but also know there is an even bigger part to be explored and learned. Life changing and formative years, which hopefully have prepared me sufficiently for what’s about to come in the next phase of my life. During the last period I discovered so many dear people and collegues from DSM and other companies, who want to help and motivate me, giving me lots of positive energy. The moment I registered into the (dutch) Chamber of Commerce, weColLaborate is official!, the many (many) talks and collaboration with my website host Digi-D, the new contacts in my network..and, to be complete, the help I got from our government and councel…who knew!

In building the website there’s also the question if I should blog or not. Exciting and a little nervous to see my words in the public domain. Yes, I have written “some” ideas on Linkedin and for years I have interviewed for the local Employee Newspaper, but this is something else. What do I write about, what to share, is anyone interested, how often and how much? “300 words max” is the response from my website host, but that is a challenge (I am not that short-spoken anyway).
Well, I have made my first steps as an independent and follow through with this part of the journey as well. After all, I am not alone in this, many have preceded me and found their fanbase. I am hoping for my own audience, some with (constructive) criticism perhaps, even some with new ideas, most probably about the side issues of my expertise, but also on business and technological insights.
So, my answer is: to Blog!
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